Panama Letter is a monthly e-zine from the Panama-based staff of Live and Invest Overseas, who will make it possible for you to get up to speed and to stay current, in real time, with current opportunities in the real Panama… opportunities that would be impossible to uncover, to vet, or to act on your own.
Panama Letter doesn’t deal in theory or rhetoric. It isn’t produced by researchers or editors sitting in some far-off office who may have visited Panama once or twice or who even come and go now and then.
This intelligence service is packed with information from expats living in this country full time and from our team of in-country advisors and professionals, including attorneys, real estate agents, offshore experts, and tax. You can be assured that everything you read in Panama Letter is current, accurate, and real.
More important, it’s delivered by people with real judgment… judgment born of real-world experience.
Every month, our editorial team will show you a new area within this beautiful country. They’ll tell you about a particular neighborhood, a certain beach, a little-known town—what it has going for it… how much living here would cost… who this region will suit… who wouldn’t be happy here… and who–on the ground–can help you settle in…
It’s their mission at Panama Letter to introduce you to less-known places…
In every issue of Panama Letter, for every region, city, beach town, and community featured, our team will provide you with local contacts who will make it possible for you to access the most interesting opportunities and to operate beyond the gringo world (where the costs can be much greater!).
This subscription service includes 12 full issues (one per month) of Panama Letter as well as several bonus reports to get you started on your Panama exploration.