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Oaxaca: Mountains, Mezcal, And The Real Mexico

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Consider Oaxaca City for an authentic Mexican experience. With its colonial charm, vibrant culture, and moderate climate, it’s a hidden gem for expats. Unlike touristy coastal destinations, Oaxaca offers a genuine taste of Mexico without the crowds. As a digital nomad, I’ve found Oaxaca to be an ideal location, offering more than just nice weather and affordability.

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Most people who move to Mexico make a beeline to places like Playa del Carmen and Puerto Vallarta. While both are great (trust me, I’ve lived in both), you feel like you’re living in somewhat of an expat bubble.

If you’re looking for a place without a Señor Frog’s in sight, you’ll need to head inland… San Miguel de Allende is a popular choice, but it’s on the radar. It also feels more like a big town than a small city. Although it’s a beautiful place, it isn’t the most exciting.

Those looking for charming colonial architecture with a vibrant culture that’s more Mexico than spring break should turn their gaze towards Oaxaca City.

It checks a lot of the boxes: a moderate climate, reasonable prices, flight connections to the States, and high-quality health care.
Also, it isn’t super touristy or flooded with gringos. It’s becoming more of a popular destination, sure, but the city does not rely on tourism as much as other expat favorites do.

After traveling all over the country for the past five years and living in several destinations as a digital nomad, I’ve found Oaxaca to be an ideal location.

Beyond the obvious draws of nice weather and a low cost of living, this is a fascinating city with a lot to offer…

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