
The foods, the wines, the sights and sounds…

The history, the castles, the architecture, the beaches, the islands, the Alps…

Frankly, the lifestyles in Europe are impossible anywhere else in the world.

While that’s not exactly news to you, here’s what might be:

In key places on the Continent, you can settle in comfortably on a budget of US$1,500 per month… or less.

That’s less than the average monthly U.S. Social Security check… and for a lifestyle far better than back home.

Just think of what your retirement could be here—Europe is the good life defined…

La joie de vivre, la dolce vita…

Living here would be pleasant and tranquil, stimulating and enriching.

Even better, the best parts of living here—from health care to picnics in famous parks—are entirely affordable… even free.


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